How To Get Your Social Enterprise's Finances Right with John Geiwitz - Part 2
Did you know that it is never too late to rebuild the books of your social enterprise?
Today, I'm very excited to share the second part of my interview with the award-winning Business Broker, John Geiwitz.
During the first part of our conversation, we went through some of the industry's taboos, debunked myths, and cleared doubts about what every social entrepreneur should know and what they shouldn't be embarrassed about not knowing. In this second part, we delve into social enterprises' continuity, systems and processes, the freeing power of delegating, and more.
Tune in and listen to hear John's advice on the need and possibilities of rebuilding your books, why social entrepreneurs should start with the end in mind, why you should pay close attention to how you spend your time, and more.
In This Episode, You Will Learn:
An example of books in need of some adjustments (3:25)
Does money coming into your bank account mean your business is profitable? (6:08)
How to begin with the end in mind (9:01)
About social enterprises' continuity (11:36)
Run it like a business, even if profit is not the ultimate goal (17:56)
Analysis paralysis vs. jumping into opportunities at the right time (22:55)
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